Jodi Hockinson (formerly Jodi Schneiter), DTR, CDM, CFPP, was born in Houston, Texas in 1963. She has traveled extensively throughout the United States and Europe.

Jodi holds degrees in nutrition and liberal arts as well as social sciences/history.

She has written books on a variety of subjects, including special interest diets and tax certificate sales as well as the fantasy novel, Between Two Worlds, Book One in the Lion Clan series.

Books available by Jodi Hockinson:

Low Risk Investing, available on Kindle, on Audiobook and in Paperback

Netween Two Worlds, available on Kindle, on Audiobook and in Paperback

Colitis Hater’s Cookbook, available on Kindle and in Paperback

Gout Hater’s Cookbook, available on Kindle and in Spiral Bound

Gout Hater’s Cookbook II, available on Kindle and in Spiral Bound

Gout Hater’s Cookbook III, available on Kindle and in Spiral Bound

Gout Hater’s Cookbook IV, available on Kindle and in Spiral Bound

Gout Hater’s Cookbook Collection – All four books and one cooking DVD – click here to purchase

Cooking with Jodi video – watch now on Amazon Prime

Available on Kindle, on Audiobook and in Paperback
Available on Kindle, on Audiobook and in Paperback